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venous anomaly

Original Contribution

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS;  Rayan Jo Rachwan, MD;  Ghassan Daher, MD;  Bassel Bou Dargham, BS

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS;  Rayan Jo...
Identifying the presence of double inferior vena cava is important in order to define its relationship with the renal vein, its size when IVC filters are planned, the location of the left renal vein in relationship to the aorta, and for...
Identifying the presence of double inferior vena cava is important in order to define its relationship with the renal vein, its size when IVC filters are planned, the location of the left renal vein in relationship to the aorta, and for...
Identifying the presence of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology