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Original Contribution

J.A. Mustapha, MD1;  Larry J. Diaz-Sandoval, MD1;  George Adams, MD2;  Michael R. Jaff, DO3;  Robert Beasley, MD4; Theresa McGoff, RN1;  Sara Finton, RN1;  Larry E. Miller, PhD5;  Mohammad Ansari, MD1;  Fadi Saab, MD1


J.A. Mustapha, MD1;  Larry J. Diaz-Sa...
Non-invasive limb hemodynamics may aid in diagnosis of CLI, although the relationship with disease severity and response to endovascular therapy is unclear. This prospective, single-center study enrolled 100 CLI patients who underwent...
Non-invasive limb hemodynamics may aid in diagnosis of CLI, although the relationship with disease severity and response to endovascular therapy is unclear. This prospective, single-center study enrolled 100 CLI patients who underwent...
Non-invasive limb hemodynamics...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology