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pressure wire

Clinical Images

Ozan M. Demir, MBBS, MRCP;  Neil Ruparelia, DPhil, MRCP;  Masood Khan, MA, FRCP;  Christopher Baker, PhD, FRCP

Ozan M. Demir, MBBS, MRCP;  Neil Rupa...
Two cases of pressure wire entrapment that may be related to wire design, with both instances occurring at the level of the pressure transducer.
Two cases of pressure wire entrapment that may be related to wire design, with both instances occurring at the level of the pressure transducer.
Two cases of pressure wire...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Ted Feldman, MD, FSCAI, FACC
Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Evanston Hospital, Cardiology Division, Evanston, Illinois

Ted Feldman, MD, FSCAI, FACC Cardiac ...
The measurement of translesional pressure gradients was an integral part of the development of coronary angioplasty. Gruentzig demonstrated a relationship between post-PTCA translesional gradient and the occurrence of both early complications...
The measurement of translesional pressure gradients was an integral part of the development of coronary angioplasty. Gruentzig demonstrated a relationship between post-PTCA translesional gradient and the occurrence of both early complications...
The measurement of translesional...
Vascular Disease Management