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retrograde recanalization

Original Contribution

Zoltan Ruzsa, MD, PhD1,2;  Joanna Wojtasik-Bakalarz, MD3;  Andras Nyerges, MD2;  Tomasz Rakowski, MD, PhD3; Pawel Kleczynski, MD, PhD3;  Stanislaw Bartus, MD, PhD3

Zoltan Ruzsa, MD, PhD1,2;  Joanna Woj...
CTO of the SFA occurs in >50% of the patient population with peripheral artery disease. This study assesses the safety of the retrograde procedure with long-term follow-up of 86 patients; our results show a high technical success rate and...
CTO of the SFA occurs in >50% of the patient population with peripheral artery disease. This study assesses the safety of the retrograde procedure with long-term follow-up of 86 patients; our results show a high technical success rate and...
CTO of the SFA occurs in >50%...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS;  Ghassan E. Daher, MD;  Bassel Bou Dargham, BS;  Rayan Jo Rachwan, MD;  Jon Robken, MD

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS;  Ghassan ...
We report 1 case and review the literature on transcollateral retrograde crossing of the SFA from the profunda femoris. The procedural steps and devices (wires and crossing catheters) utilized by various operators are outlined.   
We report 1 case and review the literature on transcollateral retrograde crossing of the SFA from the profunda femoris. The procedural steps and devices (wires and crossing catheters) utilized by various operators are outlined.   
We report 1 case and review the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology