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Original Research

Santhosh Reddy Kantala, MD, FNVIR1; Santhosh Babu K.B, MD, FNVIR1; Vinu Moses, MD, DNB1; Uday George Zachariah, MD, DM2; Ashish Goel, MD, DM2; Shyamkumar N Keshava, MBBS, DMRD, DNB, FRCR, FRANZCR1; C.E. Eapen, MD, DM2

1Department of Interventional Radiology, Division of Clinical Radiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India; 2Department of Hepatology, Division of Gastrointestinal Sciences, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India

Santhosh Reddy Kantala, MD, FNVIR1; S...
The authors evaluate the technical feasibility, long-term patency rate, and clinical outcome in patients who presented with symptomatic acute portomesenteric thrombosis and were treated with mechanical thrombectomy and pharmacological...
The authors evaluate the technical feasibility, long-term patency rate, and clinical outcome in patients who presented with symptomatic acute portomesenteric thrombosis and were treated with mechanical thrombectomy and pharmacological...
The authors evaluate the...
Vascular Disease Management
Case Report

Kumar Muthukumar, MBBS, DMRD, DNB, FRCR, FNVIR1; Santhosh Babu Bharathy, MBBS, MD, FNVIR1; Vinu Moses, MBBS, MD1; Uday George Zachariah, MBBS, MD, DM, FRCP2; Shyamkumar Nidugala Keshava, MBBS, DMRD, DNB, FRCR, FRANZCR1

1Department of Interventional Radiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India; 2Department of Hepatology, Division of Gastrointestinal Sciences, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India

Kumar Muthukumar, MBBS, DMRD, DNB, FR...
This case report describes an endovascular technique in the management of symptomatic inferior vena cava occlusion in a patient with chronic kidney disease (stage 4) not on dialysis.
This case report describes an endovascular technique in the management of symptomatic inferior vena cava occlusion in a patient with chronic kidney disease (stage 4) not on dialysis.
This case report describes an...
Vascular Disease Management
Clinical Images

Santiago Jes√∫s Camacho Freire, MD;  Bruno Limpo, MD;  Javier Le√≥n Jim√©nez, MD;  Antonio Enrique G√≥mez Menchero, MD;  Jessica Roa Garrido, MD;  Rosa Cardenal Piris, MD;  Jos√© Francisco D√≠az Fern√°ndez, MD

Santiago Jes√∫s Camacho Freire, MD;  ...
At 6-month PCI follow-up, angiography showed patent left anterior descending and circumflex stents. However, OCT revealed almost all abluminal cavities were completely filled, which we surmise was due to a neointimal healing process.
At 6-month PCI follow-up, angiography showed patent left anterior descending and circumflex stents. However, OCT revealed almost all abluminal cavities were completely filled, which we surmise was due to a neointimal healing process.
At 6-month PCI follow-up,...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Hopkins, Levy, Siddiqui, Karmon, Natarajan

Hopkins, Levy, Siddiqui, Karmon, Nata...
In this article, we provide a snapshot of the strengths and limitations of current FDA-approved stroke therapies and discuss the rationale, technique, outcomes, limitations, and future of stent-assisted recanalization.
In this article, we provide a snapshot of the strengths and limitations of current FDA-approved stroke therapies and discuss the rationale, technique, outcomes, limitations, and future of stent-assisted recanalization.
In this article, we provide a...
Vascular Disease Management
Case Report
This case presents a patient scheduled to receive a femorofemoral bypass graft in conjunction with aortomonoiliac endograft. Initially, the patient was to undergo an endovascular stent graft repair for his abdominal aortic aneurysm and...
This case presents a patient scheduled to receive a femorofemoral bypass graft in conjunction with aortomonoiliac endograft. Initially, the patient was to undergo an endovascular stent graft repair for his abdominal aortic aneurysm and...
This case presents a patient...
Vascular Disease Management