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Original Contribution

Michael S. Lee, MD1;  Evan Shlofmitz, DO2;  Arash Nayeri, MD1;  John Hollowed, MD1;  Jeremy Kong, MD1;  Richard A. Shlofmitz, MD3

Michael S. Lee, MD1;  Evan Shlofmitz,...
Orbital atherectomy modifies calcified plaque, thereby facilitating stent delivery and stent expansion. The ideal antithrombotic agent during orbital atherectomy is unknown. We compared the angiographic and clinical outcomes of heparin and...
Orbital atherectomy modifies calcified plaque, thereby facilitating stent delivery and stent expansion. The ideal antithrombotic agent during orbital atherectomy is unknown. We compared the angiographic and clinical outcomes of heparin and...
Orbital atherectomy modifies...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology