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Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty

Original Contribution

Yoshihito Sakata, MD;  Kenshun Matsubara, MD;  Seiji Tamiya, MD;  Yasufumi Hayama, MD;  Kazutane Usui, MD

Yoshihito Sakata, MD;  Kenshun Matsub...
A novel PBAV technique for critical aortic stenosis patients with severe calcific degeneration has been developed. The acute therapeutic responses and long-term clinical courses of 405 non-surgical patients were evaluated. 
A novel PBAV technique for critical aortic stenosis patients with severe calcific degeneration has been developed. The acute therapeutic responses and long-term clinical courses of 405 non-surgical patients were evaluated. 
A novel PBAV technique for...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology