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profunda femoris artery

Original Contribution

Michael S. Lee, MD¬π;  Pratyaksh K. Srivastava, MD¬π;  Saif Al Yaseen, MD¬π;  Daniel Heikali, MD¬π;  John Hollowed, MD¬π;  Ehtisham Mahmud, MD2

Michael S. Lee, MD¬π;  Pratyaksh K. S...
We compared the angiographic outcomes of patients treated with orbital atherectomy for profunda femoris artery and superficial femoral artery disease from the CONFIRM I-III registries.
We compared the angiographic outcomes of patients treated with orbital atherectomy for profunda femoris artery and superficial femoral artery disease from the CONFIRM I-III registries.
We compared the angiographic...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology