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Facial and Scalp Swelling in the Pediatric Population With Hemophilia: A Diagnosis Pitfall
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
W. Widjaja, MBBS, S. Aggarwala, MBBS, F. Ballieux, MD, and J. Vandervord, FRACS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCW....
Facial and Scalp Swelling in the Pediatric Population With Hemophilia: A Diagnosis Pitfall W. Widjaja, MBBS, S. Aggarwala, MBBS, F. Ballieux, MD, and J. Vandervord, FRACS The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Westmead,...
Facial and Scalp Swelling in the Pediatric Population With Hemophilia: A Diagnosis Pitfall W. Widjaja, MBBS, S. Aggarwala, MBBS, F. Ballieux, MD, and J. Vandervord, FRACS The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Westmead,...
Facial and Scalp Swelling...
Original Contribution

Jared Betz, MD1*;  Kelly Jia, MD1*;  Scott Lilly, MD, PhD1;  Konstantinos Marmagkiolis, MD2;  Ernest L. Mazzaferri, MD1;  Konstantinos Dean Boudoulas, MD1

Jared Betz, MD1*;  Kelly Jia, MD1*;  ...
This study was undertaken to determine bleeding complications during right heart catheterization with an elevated international normalized ratio value.
This study was undertaken to determine bleeding complications during right heart catheterization with an elevated international normalized ratio value.
This study was undertaken to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology