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Sapien valve

Original Contribution

Mohammad Waleed, MBBS, MPH, MRCP1,2*; Sandeep Arunothayaraj, MD1; Sam McGrath, MD1; Michael Michail, MD1; James Cockburn, MD1; David Hildick-Smith, MD1

Mohammad Waleed, MBBS, MPH, MRCP1,2*;...
The authors describe adaptations for successful right transaxillary access for implantation of a transcatheter heart valve using the Edwards Sapien 3 system.
The authors describe adaptations for successful right transaxillary access for implantation of a transcatheter heart valve using the Edwards Sapien 3 system.
The authors describe adaptations...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Hussein Sliman, MD; Amnon Eitan, MD; Ronen Jaffe, MD*

Hussein Sliman, MD; Amnon Eitan, MD; ...
These clinical images and videos depict the case of a patient undergoing TAVR, during which attempts to deploy a 29 mm Evolut-Pro valve at a depth of 5 mm below the annulus resulted in migration to the aorta.
These clinical images and videos depict the case of a patient undergoing TAVR, during which attempts to deploy a 29 mm Evolut-Pro valve at a depth of 5 mm below the annulus resulted in migration to the aorta.
These clinical images and videos...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Ankur Kalra, MD;  Eleonora Avenatti, MD;  Ponraj Chinnadurai, MBBS, MMST;  Michael J. Reardon, MD;  Neal S. Kleiman, MD;  Stephen H. Little, MD;  Colin M. Barker, MD

Ankur Kalra, MD;  Eleonora Avenatti, ...
Color-flow Doppler TEE during valve-in-valve TAVR illustrates the placement of a 23 mm Edwards Sapien 3 valve carefully positioned within a displaced 23 mm Edwards Sapien XT valve.
Color-flow Doppler TEE during valve-in-valve TAVR illustrates the placement of a 23 mm Edwards Sapien 3 valve carefully positioned within a displaced 23 mm Edwards Sapien XT valve.
Color-flow Doppler TEE during...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology