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target-lesion failure


Hui Wen Sim, MBBS1;  Rajiv Ananthakrishna, MBBS1;  Siew Pang Chan, PhD, MSIArb2;  Adrian F. Low, MBBS1,3;  Chi-Hang Lee, MBBS, MD1,3;  Mark Y. Chan, MBBS, MHS1,2;  Edgar L. Tay, MBBS1,3;  Poay Huan Loh, MBBS1;  Koo Hui Chan, MD1;  Huay Cheem Tan, MBBS1,2,3;  Joshua P. Loh, MBBS1,3

Hui Wen Sim, MBBS1;  Rajiv Ananthakri...
An evaluation of the 1-year clinical outcomes of patients treated with 2.0 mm drug-coated balloon vs 2.0 mm drug-eluting stent implantation in small-caliber vessel de novo coronary artery disease.
An evaluation of the 1-year clinical outcomes of patients treated with 2.0 mm drug-coated balloon vs 2.0 mm drug-eluting stent implantation in small-caliber vessel de novo coronary artery disease.
An evaluation of the 1-year...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology