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ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis

Original Contribution

Hubert B. Haywood, MD;  Eric Pauley, MD;  Ryan Orgel, MD;  Benjamin Chilcutt, MD;  Apoorva Gupta, BS;  Matthew A. Cavender, MD, MPH;  Xuming Dai, MD;  John Vavalle, MD, MHS;  Michael Yeung, MD;  George A. Stouffer, MD;  Joseph S. Rossi, MD, MSCI

Hubert B. Haywood, MD;  Eric Pauley, ...
We sought to test the hypothesis that patients undergoing USAT with standard alteplase and heparin dosing would not develop significant depletion of systemic fibrinogen, which may account for the lower risk of bleeding seen in contemporary...
We sought to test the hypothesis that patients undergoing USAT with standard alteplase and heparin dosing would not develop significant depletion of systemic fibrinogen, which may account for the lower risk of bleeding seen in contemporary...
We sought to test the hypothesis...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Sushruth Edla, MD1;  Howard Rosman, MD1;  Saroj Neupane, MD1;  Andrew Boshara, MD2;  Susan Szpunar, PhD3; Edouard Daher, MD1;  David Rodriguez, MD1;  Thomas LaLonde, MD1;  Hiroshi Yamasaki, MD1;  Rajendra H. Mehta, MD, MS4;  Antonious Attallah, MD1

Sushruth Edla, MD1;  Howard Rosman, M...
We evaluated changes in invasive hemodynamic measures before and after ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis (USAT) in 41 patients with USAT ≤24 hours vs USAT >24 hours. 
We evaluated changes in invasive hemodynamic measures before and after ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis (USAT) in 41 patients with USAT ≤24 hours vs USAT >24 hours. 
We evaluated changes in invasive...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Dr. Peter H. Lin 

Dr. Peter H. Lin 
At the recently concluded 37th Annual VEITHsymposium™ in New York, Peter H. Lin, MD, Professor of Surgery and Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas), reported his findings...
At the recently concluded 37th Annual VEITHsymposium™ in New York, Peter H. Lin, MD, Professor of Surgery and Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas), reported his findings...
At the recently concluded 37th...
Vascular Disease Management