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radial vs femoral


Francisco Campelo-Parada, MD1;  Didier Carri√©, MD, PhD2;  Antonio L. Bartorelli, MD1;  Atsuo Namiki, MD3;  Thomas Hovasse, MD4;  Takeshi Kimura, MD5;  Antonio Serra-Pe√±aranda, MD6;  Olivier Varenne, MD7;  Jacques Lalmand, MD8;  Kazushige Kadota, MD9;  Yuji Ikari, MD10;  Tetsuya Tobaru, MD11;  Kenshi Fujii, MD12;  Shigeru Nakamura, MD13;  Shigeru Saito, MD14;  William Wijns, MD, PhD15,16 on behalf of the CENTURY II Investigators

Francisco Campelo-Parada, MD1;  Didie...
Little is known about the long-term major cardiovascular events and bleeding complications of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with radial vs femoral approach. Our objective was to compare the main outcomes of radial...
Little is known about the long-term major cardiovascular events and bleeding complications of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with radial vs femoral approach. Our objective was to compare the main outcomes of radial...
Little is known about the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology