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Clinical Images

Dinkar Bhasin, MD, DM1; Ankita Dhir, MD2;  Yash Paul Sharma, MD, DM1

Dinkar Bhasin, MD, DM1; Ankita Dhir, ...
A woman in her 60s presented with symptomatic complete heart block and was advised permanent pacemaker implantation. During the procedure, left axillary vein access was attempted using fluoroscopic landmarks but was not successful. A venogram...
A woman in her 60s presented with symptomatic complete heart block and was advised permanent pacemaker implantation. During the procedure, left axillary vein access was attempted using fluoroscopic landmarks but was not successful. A venogram...
A woman in her 60s presented...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS;  Gail A. Shammas, BS, RN;  Sue Jones-Miller, MS;  Qais Radaideh, MD;  Allyson R. Winter, DO;  Andrew N. Shammas, BS;  Istvan Z. Kovach, RA;  Bassel Bou Dargham, MD;  Ghassan E. Daher, MD;  Rayan Jo Rachwan, MD;  W. John Shammas, BS;  Waleed Omar, BS;  Aman Manazir, RA;  Srikanth Kasula, MD

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS;  Gail A. ...
We evaluated the role of computed tomography angiography and venography in diagnosing common iliac vein compression when compared to IVUS.   
We evaluated the role of computed tomography angiography and venography in diagnosing common iliac vein compression when compared to IVUS.   
We evaluated the role of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology