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left main bifurcation

Original Contribution

Ruben Vergara, MD;  Renato Valenti, MD;  Angela Migliorini, MD;  Michele Ciabatti, MD;  Maria Grazia De Gregorio, MD;  Giulia Taborchi, MD;  Sofia Morini, MD;  Roberto Rondine, MD;  Raffaelle Martone, MD;  David Antoniucci, MD

Ruben Vergara, MD;  Renato Valenti, M...
We prospectively analyzed all consecutive patients treated at our center for bifurcation lesions from 2011-2015 and compared the angiographic and clinical outcomes of patients with left main bifurcation lesions vs those with non-left main...
We prospectively analyzed all consecutive patients treated at our center for bifurcation lesions from 2011-2015 and compared the angiographic and clinical outcomes of patients with left main bifurcation lesions vs those with non-left main...
We prospectively analyzed all...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Chauncy B. Handran, MD1;  Ross F. Garberich, MD1;  John R. Lesser, MD1; Timothy D. Henry, MD1;  Michael Gilmore2;  Robert B. Schwartz, MD1

Chauncy B. Handran, MD1;  Ross F. Gar...
Left main (LM) stenting is an accepted alternative to coronary artery bypass grafting. However, the LM bifurcation has great anatomic variability. The objective of this study was to quantify the LM bifurcation angles and their changes...
Left main (LM) stenting is an accepted alternative to coronary artery bypass grafting. However, the LM bifurcation has great anatomic variability. The objective of this study was to quantify the LM bifurcation angles and their changes...
Left main (LM) stenting is an...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology