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limb ischemia

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Mohammed Alomar, MD;  Rajiv Tayal, MD, MPH;  Michael Amponsah, MD;  Marc Cohen, MD;  Najam Wasty, MD

Mohammed Alomar, MD;  Rajiv Tayal, MD...
Contrary to popular wisdom, predominantly unilateral aortoiliac bifurcation disease can be safely treated with a single stent if the contralateral common iliac ostium is protected with matching balloon inflation.
Contrary to popular wisdom, predominantly unilateral aortoiliac bifurcation disease can be safely treated with a single stent if the contralateral common iliac ostium is protected with matching balloon inflation.
Contrary to popular wisdom,...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Editor's Corner

Craig Walker, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South, Houma, Louisiana

Craig Walker, MD Cardiovascular Inst...
Craig Walker, MD, comments on Dr. Halim Yammine and colleagues’ case report of an elderly patient with a thrombosed popliteal artery aneurysm with previously failed surgical therapy secondary to graft infection.
Craig Walker, MD, comments on Dr. Halim Yammine and colleagues’ case report of an elderly patient with a thrombosed popliteal artery aneurysm with previously failed surgical therapy secondary to graft infection.
Craig Walker, MD, comments on...
Vascular Disease Management