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Antithrombotic Therapy

Original Contribution
The aim of this LOGIC (Left atrial appendage Occlusion in patients with Gastrointestinal or IntraCranial bleeding) registry sub-study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of left atrial appendage occlusion in patients with non-valvular...
The aim of this LOGIC (Left atrial appendage Occlusion in patients with Gastrointestinal or IntraCranial bleeding) registry sub-study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of left atrial appendage occlusion in patients with non-valvular...
The aim of this LOGIC (Left...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
This report evaluates endothelialization in vivo and demonstrates that 6 months of postimplantation prophylactic therapy may not provide sufficient time for adequate endothelialization.
This report evaluates endothelialization in vivo and demonstrates that 6 months of postimplantation prophylactic therapy may not provide sufficient time for adequate endothelialization.
This report evaluates...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology