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Radial Artery Intervention


Andrew Peter Vanezis, MBChB, MRCP, PhD1;  William Wilson, MBBS, FRACP2;  William Smith, MB, BChir, MA, MRCP, PhD, FRCP1

Andrew Peter Vanezis, MBChB, MRCP, Ph...
CTO PCI using the hybrid algorithm has traditionally been performed femorally using 8 Fr sheaths. Antegrade dissection and re-entry has facilitated procedures using 6 or 7 Fr guides via the radial artery. Radial artery dysfunction is a...
CTO PCI using the hybrid algorithm has traditionally been performed femorally using 8 Fr sheaths. Antegrade dissection and re-entry has facilitated procedures using 6 or 7 Fr guides via the radial artery. Radial artery dysfunction is a...
CTO PCI using the hybrid...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Radial Access Technique

Babak Nazer, MD and Andrew Boyle, MD, PhD

Babak Nazer, MD and Andrew Boyle, MD,...
With increased life expectancy of patients who undergo transcatheter aortic valve implantation, post-TAVI PCI is expected to rise. Two successful cases using PCI following CoreValve (Medtronic) implantation are presented.
With increased life expectancy of patients who undergo transcatheter aortic valve implantation, post-TAVI PCI is expected to rise. Two successful cases using PCI following CoreValve (Medtronic) implantation are presented.
With increased life expectancy...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology