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J.A. Mustapha, MD1;  Fadi A. Saab, MD1;  Daniel Clair, MD2;  Peter Schneider, MD3

J.A. Mustapha, MD1;  Fadi A. Saab, MD...
Our objective was to investigate the efficacy and safety of LimFlow percutaneous deep vein arterialization device in no-option CLI patients.
Our objective was to investigate the efficacy and safety of LimFlow percutaneous deep vein arterialization device in no-option CLI patients.
Our objective was to investigate...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Early stent-graft designs were ill-prepared to face the hemodynamic forces generated by aortic blood flow and pressure. Long-term results were marred by high rates of migration, component separation, and structural failure. Current designs...
Early stent-graft designs were ill-prepared to face the hemodynamic forces generated by aortic blood flow and pressure. Long-term results were marred by high rates of migration, component separation, and structural failure. Current designs...
Early stent-graft designs were...
Vascular Disease Management
More than half of all abdominal aortic aneurysm repairs performed in the U.S. today are being done endovascularly. In other words, stent-graft intervention has already replaced the old open-surgery standard.
More than half of all abdominal aortic aneurysm repairs performed in the U.S. today are being done endovascularly. In other words, stent-graft intervention has already replaced the old open-surgery standard.
More than half of all abdominal...
Vascular Disease Management