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Original Contribution

Sridharan Umapathy, MD, DM1; Yann Shan Keh, MBBS, MRCP1; Ningyan Wong, MBBS, MRCP1; Kay Woon Ho, MBBS, MRCP1; Jack Wei Chieh Tan, MBBS, MRCP1; Aaron Sung Lung Wong, MBBS, MRCP1; Soo Teik Lim, MBBS, MRCP1; Yew Seong Goh, MBBS, MRCP2; Khung Keong Yeo, MBBS1

Sridharan Umapathy, MD, DM1; Yann Sha...
The objective of this study was to assess the clinical and angiographic outcomes of coronary intravascular lithotripsy use in an all-comers population with moderate-to-severely calcified coronary lesions
The objective of this study was to assess the clinical and angiographic outcomes of coronary intravascular lithotripsy use in an all-comers population with moderate-to-severely calcified coronary lesions
The objective of this study was...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Real-World Experience of Coronary Intravascular Lithotripsy in an Asian Population: A Retrospective, Observational, Single-Center, All-Comers Registry
Original Research

Sridharan Umapathy, MD, DM1;  Yann Shan Keh, MBBS, MRCP1;  Ningyan Wong, MBBS, MRCP1;  Kay Woon Ho, MBBS, MRCP1;  Jack Wei Chieh Tan, MBBS, MRCP1;  Aaron Sung Lung Wong, MBBS, MRCP1;  Soo Teik Lim, MBBS, MRCP1;  Yew Seong Goh, MBBS, MRCP2;  Khung Keong Yeo, MBBS1

Sridharan Umapathy, MD, DM1;  Yann Sh...
To assess the clinical and angiographic outcomes of coronary intravascular lithotripsy use in an all-comers population with moderate-to-severely calcified coronary lesions.
To assess the clinical and angiographic outcomes of coronary intravascular lithotripsy use in an all-comers population with moderate-to-severely calcified coronary lesions.
To assess the clinical and...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Bernard Wong, MBChB;  Seif El-Jack, MBBS;  Ruth Newcombe, DCR;  Timothy Glenie, MBChB;  Guy Armstrong, MBChB;  Aleksandar Cicovic, MBChB;  Ali Khan, MBBS

Bernard Wong, MBChB;  Seif El-Jack, M...
We present the first cases of Shockwave intravascular lithotripsy (Shockwave Medical), a novel coronary calcium modification device, being used in patients undergoing PCI for STEMI.
We present the first cases of Shockwave intravascular lithotripsy (Shockwave Medical), a novel coronary calcium modification device, being used in patients undergoing PCI for STEMI.
We present the first cases of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Bernard Wong, MBChB;  Seif El-Jack, MBBS;  Ruth Newcombe;  Timothy Glenie, MBChB;  Guy Armstrong, MBChB;  Ali Khan, MBBS

Bernard Wong, MBChB;  Seif El-Jack, M...
Shockwave intravascular lithotripsy is a recently approved technique used in the treatment of heavily calcified coronary lesions. We present our early real-world experience with this device.
Shockwave intravascular lithotripsy is a recently approved technique used in the treatment of heavily calcified coronary lesions. We present our early real-world experience with this device.
Shockwave intravascular...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology