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blunt chest trauma


José Abellán-Huerta, MD, PhD;  Alfonso Jurado-Román, MD, PhD;  Fernando Lozano-Ruiz-Poveda, MD, PhD;   María Thiscal López Lluva, MD;  Ignacio Sánchez-Pérez, MD

José Abellán-Huerta, MD, PhD;  Alfons...
The treatment of coronary lesions caused by blunt chest trauma is controversial. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a coronary dissection related to blunt chest trauma evaluated with OCT and treated with a magnesium resorbable...
The treatment of coronary lesions caused by blunt chest trauma is controversial. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a coronary dissection related to blunt chest trauma evaluated with OCT and treated with a magnesium resorbable...
The treatment of coronary...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology