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Original Contribution

George L. Adams, MD, MHS1;  Tony Das, MD2;  Michael S. Lee, MD3;  Robert Beasley, MD4;  Jihad Mustapha, MD5

George L. Adams, MD, MHS1;  Tony Das,...
This analysis compares the procedural outcomes of PAD patients treated with orbital atherectomy stratified by Rutherford class and acute angiographic outcomes of these patients stratified by degree of lesion calcification.
This analysis compares the procedural outcomes of PAD patients treated with orbital atherectomy stratified by Rutherford class and acute angiographic outcomes of these patients stratified by degree of lesion calcification.
This analysis compares the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Tadashi Miyazaki, MD1,2,*;  Vasileios F. Panoulas, MD, PhD, MRCP1,3,*;  Katsumasa Sato, MD1;  Azeem Latib, MD1;  Antonio Colombo, MD1

Tadashi Miyazaki, MD1,2,*;  Vasileios...
A heavily calcified left descending artery lesion was successfully treated with bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS). This case demonstrates the importance of optimal lesion preparation, adequate dedicated device support, and careful...
A heavily calcified left descending artery lesion was successfully treated with bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS). This case demonstrates the importance of optimal lesion preparation, adequate dedicated device support, and careful...
A heavily calcified left...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology