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stent fracture

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Stergios Soulaidopoulos, MD, PhD;  Konstantinos Aznaouridis, MD, PhD;  Dimitris Karlis, MD, PhD;  Konstantinos Tsioufis, MD, PhD

Stergios Soulaidopoulos, MD, PhD;  Ko...
IVUS is extremely useful to confirm the diagnosis and identify the possible mechanism of the stent fracture, as well as to assess the final result after subsequent angioplasty.
IVUS is extremely useful to confirm the diagnosis and identify the possible mechanism of the stent fracture, as well as to assess the final result after subsequent angioplasty.
IVUS is extremely useful to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Jessika González D'Gregorio, MD1,2,3;  Agustín Fernandez-Cisnal, MD1,2,3;  Juan Sanchis Forés, MD, PhD1,2,3,4;-  Sergio García-Blas, MD, PhD1,2,3 

Jessika González D'Gregorio, MD1,2,3;...
The Synergy Megatron stent confers enhanced axial and radial forces, which makes it an ideal choice for ostial and calcified lesions. However, in this case, the stent fractured. We describe the management of this complication.
The Synergy Megatron stent confers enhanced axial and radial forces, which makes it an ideal choice for ostial and calcified lesions. However, in this case, the stent fractured. We describe the management of this complication.
The Synergy Megatron stent...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Daniel R. Obaid, PhD, MA(Cantab), MRCP(UK);  Alexander J. Chase, MBBS, PhD;  Dave Smith, BM, MD

Daniel R. Obaid, PhD, MA(Cantab), MRC...
3D-OCT revealed extensive fracture and distortion of the struts in the distal portion of a stent, presumably caused by aggressive postdilation at the time of implantation. This was managed successfully with the insertion of a new coronary...
3D-OCT revealed extensive fracture and distortion of the struts in the distal portion of a stent, presumably caused by aggressive postdilation at the time of implantation. This was managed successfully with the insertion of a new coronary...
3D-OCT revealed extensive...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Antonio Enrique G√≥mez Menchero, MD;  Santiago Jes√∫s Camacho Freire, MD;  Jos√© Francisco D√≠az Fern√°ndez, MD; Jessica Roa Garrido, MD;  Javier Le√≥n Jim√©nez, MD;  Rosa Cardenal Piris, MD

Antonio Enrique G√≥mez Menchero, MD; ...
A patient presented with an inferior non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction and a tight lesion on the distal right coronary artery. After stent implantation, a large scaffold malapposition was observed by optical coherence tomography....
A patient presented with an inferior non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction and a tight lesion on the distal right coronary artery. After stent implantation, a large scaffold malapposition was observed by optical coherence tomography....
A patient presented with an...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology