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Bifurcation Stenting

Original Contribution

Kristin T. Fujita, MD; Oliver M. Barry, MD; Alejandro J. Torres, MD; Matthew A. Crystal, MD; Mariel E. Turner, MD

Kristin T. Fujita, MD; Oliver M. Barr...
The study aimed to report the procedural outcomes and safety of bifurcation stent placement in infants, particularly the long-term trajectory of re-interventions.
The study aimed to report the procedural outcomes and safety of bifurcation stent placement in infants, particularly the long-term trajectory of re-interventions.
The study aimed to report the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Marin Pavlov, MD, PhD and Tomislava Bodrozic Dzakic, MD

Marin Pavlov, MD, PhD and Tomislava B...
A 60-year-old male with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and active smoking was admitted for positive treadmill test. He reported exertional chest pain 4 months ago; however, since then he had been symptom free. Echocardiography showed...
A 60-year-old male with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and active smoking was admitted for positive treadmill test. He reported exertional chest pain 4 months ago; however, since then he had been symptom free. Echocardiography showed...
A 60-year-old male with chronic...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Mohamed O. Mohamed, MBBCh, MRCP(UK)1;  Mamas A. Mamas, BMBCh, DPhil, MRCP1;  Vinayak Nagaraja, MBBS, MS, MMed (ClinEpi), FRACP1;  M. Chadi Alraies, MD2;  Pablo Lamelas, MD, MSc3;  Nikolaos Tzemos, MD4;  Diana Ayan, MSc4;  Shahar Lavi, MD4;  Rodrigo Bagur, MD, PhD1,4,5

Mohamed O. Mohamed, MBBCh, MRCP(UK)1;...
PCI of coronary bifurcation lesions (CBLs) remains a challenge in contemporary practice due to the procedural and technical difficulties involved. We review the current evidence on the safety and clinical outcomes of dedicated bifurcation...
PCI of coronary bifurcation lesions (CBLs) remains a challenge in contemporary practice due to the procedural and technical difficulties involved. We review the current evidence on the safety and clinical outcomes of dedicated bifurcation...
PCI of coronary bifurcation...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Radial Access Technique

Paul D. Williams, MD1, Jonas Eichhöfer, MD2, Mamas A. Mamas, MD3, Samer Arnous, MD3, Farzin Fath-Ordoubadi, MD3, Douglas Fraser, MD3

Paul D. Williams, MD1, Jonas Eichhöf...
The small caliber of the radial artery has been considered a limitation to performing complex coronary intervention requiring large-bore catheters. This study investigates the feasibility of performing a complex technique with the use of...
The small caliber of the radial artery has been considered a limitation to performing complex coronary intervention requiring large-bore catheters. This study investigates the feasibility of performing a complex technique with the use of...
The small caliber of the radial...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology