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Digital Health

Original Contribution

Vishal Venkatraman, MHSc1; Shivanand P. Lad, MD, PhD1; Ziad F. Gellad, MD, MPH2; Helen Heo, BS; Kevin A. Wu, BS; Rajeev Dharmapurikar MS2; Beiyu Liu, PhD3; Sin-Ho Jung, PhD3; Ryan Plichta, MD4; J. Kevin Harrison, MD5; Tom C. Nguyen, MD 6; Julie Doberne, MD, PhD4


Vishal Venkatraman, MHSc1; Shivanand ...
ManageMySurgery (MMS) is a digital health application (app) for patients undergoing surgery, including Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). Patients using MMS review procedure-specific education, view FAQs, and report...
ManageMySurgery (MMS) is a digital health application (app) for patients undergoing surgery, including Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). Patients using MMS review procedure-specific education, view FAQs, and report...
ManageMySurgery (MMS) is a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Digital Health
Rafael Mazuz, MBA
With companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Google wading deeper into health care, there has been much talk and anticipation regarding what digital and mobile health will do to transform how health care is delivered and consumed. However,...
With companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Google wading deeper into health care, there has been much talk and anticipation regarding what digital and mobile health will do to transform how health care is delivered and consumed. However,...
With companies such as Amazon,...
Today's Wound Clinic
Feature Story

Compiled by Jodie Elrod

Compiled by Jodie Elrod
Wondering about who of your colleagues are on Instagram, or what this social media site is all about? Find out here from various EP professionals in the field. 
Wondering about who of your colleagues are on Instagram, or what this social media site is all about? Find out here from various EP professionals in the field. 
Wondering about who of your...
EP Lab Digest
Feature Story

Interview by Jodie Elrod

Interview by Jodie Elrod
EP Lab Digest speaks with David Lee Scher, MD, FACC, FHRS (@dlschermd), a cardiologist, consultant, award-winning blogger, and Director of DLS Healthcare Consulting, a company specializing in digital health technology and social media.
EP Lab Digest speaks with David Lee Scher, MD, FACC, FHRS (@dlschermd), a cardiologist, consultant, award-winning blogger, and Director of DLS Healthcare Consulting, a company specializing in digital health technology and social media.
EP Lab Digest speaks with David...
EP Lab Digest
Cover Story

Interview by Jodie Elrod

Interview by Jodie Elrod
The Anthony Bates Foundation (ABF) is a non-profit organization formed in 2002 that promotes heart health education and awareness of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) through public outreach programs and heart screening events. In this...
The Anthony Bates Foundation (ABF) is a non-profit organization formed in 2002 that promotes heart health education and awareness of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) through public outreach programs and heart screening events. In this...
The Anthony Bates Foundation...
EP Lab Digest
Cover Story

Interview by Jodie Elrod

Interview by Jodie Elrod
In this feature interview we speak with Dr. Kevin Campbell, a nationally recognized cardiologist, on-air medical expert, consultant, and frequent contributor to EP Lab Digest, about the future of social media and healthcare.
In this feature interview we speak with Dr. Kevin Campbell, a nationally recognized cardiologist, on-air medical expert, consultant, and frequent contributor to EP Lab Digest, about the future of social media and healthcare.
In this feature interview we...
EP Lab Digest