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Pulmonary hypertension

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Clinical Videos
Video Supplement to "Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension-Induced Occlusion of Left Main Coronary Artery: Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction Surgery Skillfully Resolves Stenosis Indirectly" (Clinical Image).
Video Supplement to "Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension-Induced Occlusion of Left Main Coronary Artery: Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction Surgery Skillfully Resolves Stenosis Indirectly" (Clinical Image).
Video Supplement to "Pulmonary...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images
The authors present the case of a 51-year-old man diagnosed with atrial septal defect who had been experiencing severe pulmonary hypertension for the past 2 years.
The authors present the case of a 51-year-old man diagnosed with atrial septal defect who had been experiencing severe pulmonary hypertension for the past 2 years.
The authors present the case of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images
A 43-year-old woman with pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with atrial septal defect, surgically repaired 5 years ago, and treated with the endothelin receptor antagonist macitentan monotherapy due to phosphodiesterase-5-inhibitor...
A 43-year-old woman with pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with atrial septal defect, surgically repaired 5 years ago, and treated with the endothelin receptor antagonist macitentan monotherapy due to phosphodiesterase-5-inhibitor...
A 43-year-old woman with...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Tips and Techniques
This article provides detailed guidance in performing hemodynamic assessment and invasive pulmonary angiography for the evaluation of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary disease.
This article provides detailed guidance in performing hemodynamic assessment and invasive pulmonary angiography for the evaluation of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary disease.
This article provides detailed...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
This study aimed to identify predictors of extended postoperative length of stay after uncomplicated TAVR. Non-transfemoral approach, non-elective admission, female sex, low mean transaortic gradient, presence of chronic renal failure, and...
This study aimed to identify predictors of extended postoperative length of stay after uncomplicated TAVR. Non-transfemoral approach, non-elective admission, female sex, low mean transaortic gradient, presence of chronic renal failure, and...
This study aimed to identify...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Our experience suggests that ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis with the EkoSonic system could be a valid bail-out strategy in cases of massive pulmonary embolism unresponsive to systemic thrombolysis and provides insight into the role of...
Our experience suggests that ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis with the EkoSonic system could be a valid bail-out strategy in cases of massive pulmonary embolism unresponsive to systemic thrombolysis and provides insight into the role of...
Our experience suggests that...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
BTG plc highlighted OPTALYSE PE one-year trial results, presented at the International Society on Endovascular Therapy (ISET), February 3-7, 2018, in Hollywood, Florida. The findings confirm that bilateral pulmonary embolism (PE) patients...
BTG plc highlighted OPTALYSE PE one-year trial results, presented at the International Society on Endovascular Therapy (ISET), February 3-7, 2018, in Hollywood, Florida. The findings confirm that bilateral pulmonary embolism (PE) patients...
BTG plc highlighted OPTALYSE PE...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report
The current case report demonstrated that the FlowTriever System provided an effective means of removing emboli and reversing compromised hemodynamics without any complication in a submassive PE patient.
The current case report demonstrated that the FlowTriever System provided an effective means of removing emboli and reversing compromised hemodynamics without any complication in a submassive PE patient.
The current case report...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Spotlight
We have a three-lab facility that is supported by a dedicated four-bay pre and post area as well as our radial lounge. 
We have a three-lab facility that is supported by a dedicated four-bay pre and post area as well as our radial lounge. 
We have a three-lab facility...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Spotlight
We have a three-lab facility that is supported by a dedicated four-bay pre and post area as well as our radial lounge. 
We have a three-lab facility that is supported by a dedicated four-bay pre and post area as well as our radial lounge. 
We have a three-lab facility...
Cath Lab Digest