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Original Contribution

George L. Adams, MD, MHS1;  Tony Das, MD2;  Michael S. Lee, MD3;  Robert Beasley, MD4;  Jihad Mustapha, MD5

George L. Adams, MD, MHS1;  Tony Das,...
This analysis compares the procedural outcomes of PAD patients treated with orbital atherectomy stratified by Rutherford class and acute angiographic outcomes of these patients stratified by degree of lesion calcification.
This analysis compares the procedural outcomes of PAD patients treated with orbital atherectomy stratified by Rutherford class and acute angiographic outcomes of these patients stratified by degree of lesion calcification.
This analysis compares the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
At the 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Vascular Disease Management spoke with Thomas Davis, MD, about the Endovascular Atherectomy Safety and Effectiveness (EASE) trial, an FDA-approved Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)...
At the 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Vascular Disease Management spoke with Thomas Davis, MD, about the Endovascular Atherectomy Safety and Effectiveness (EASE) trial, an FDA-approved Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)...
At the 5th Annual Amputation...
Vascular Disease Management
At the 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Vascular Disease Management spoke with Thomas Davis, MD, about the Endovascular Atherectomy Safety and Effectiveness (EASE) trial, an FDA-approved Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)...
At the 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Vascular Disease Management spoke with Thomas Davis, MD, about the Endovascular Atherectomy Safety and Effectiveness (EASE) trial, an FDA-approved Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)...
At the 5th Annual Amputation...
Vascular Disease Management
At the 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Vascular Disease Management asked Lawrence A. Garcia, MD, to share details about subset analysis and new insights from the DEFINITIVE LE trial. The DEFINITIVE LE study was conducted at 47...
At the 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Vascular Disease Management asked Lawrence A. Garcia, MD, to share details about subset analysis and new insights from the DEFINITIVE LE trial. The DEFINITIVE LE study was conducted at 47...
At the 5th Annual Amputation...
Vascular Disease Management
At the 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Vascular Disease Management asked Lawrence A. Garcia, MD, to share details about subset analysis and new insights from the DEFINITIVE LE trial. The DEFINITIVE LE study was conducted at 47...
At the 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Vascular Disease Management asked Lawrence A. Garcia, MD, to share details about subset analysis and new insights from the DEFINITIVE LE trial. The DEFINITIVE LE study was conducted at 47...
At the 5th Annual Amputation...
Vascular Disease Management

Michael S. Lee, MD and Neal Shah, MD

Michael S. Lee, MD and Neal Shah, MD ...
The presence of coronary artery calcium (CAC) is indicative of advanced coronary artery disease. We discuss the implications of CAC on outcomes during and after PCI as well as interventional strategies used for the successful treatment of...
The presence of coronary artery calcium (CAC) is indicative of advanced coronary artery disease. We discuss the implications of CAC on outcomes during and after PCI as well as interventional strategies used for the successful treatment of...
The presence of coronary artery...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Jennifer Ford

Jennifer Ford
At the 2015 New Cardiovascular Horizons meeting, Vascular Disease Management spoke with VISION trial investigator Patrick Muck, MD, and Avinger founder and CEO John B. Simpson, MD, about the VISION trial and the Pantheris system.
At the 2015 New Cardiovascular Horizons meeting, Vascular Disease Management spoke with VISION trial investigator Patrick Muck, MD, and Avinger founder and CEO John B. Simpson, MD, about the VISION trial and the Pantheris system.
At the 2015 New Cardiovascular...
Vascular Disease Management

Paula Mota, MD1;  Romeu Ca√ß√£o2;  Ant√≥nio Leit√£o Marques, MD3

Paula Mota, MD1;  Romeu Ca√ß√£o2;  An...
Interventional cardiologists are frequently asked to reduce procedural costs, and devices that are initially thought to be more expensive can sometimes reduce overall costs. This was the case at our institution with direct Rotawire and...
Interventional cardiologists are frequently asked to reduce procedural costs, and devices that are initially thought to be more expensive can sometimes reduce overall costs. This was the case at our institution with direct Rotawire and...
Interventional cardiologists are...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Subhash Banerjee, MD1,2;  Gene Pershwitz, MD2;  Karan Sarode, MA1,2;  Atif Mohammad, MD1,2;
Mazen S. Abu-Fadel, MD3;  Mirza S. Baig, MD1,2;  Shirling Tsai, MD1,2;  Bertis B. Little, PhD2;
Osvaldo S. Gigliotti, MD4;  Ediberto Soto-Cora, MD5;  Mazin I. Foteh, MD6;  Gerardo Rodriguez, MD7;
Andrew Klein, MD8;  Tayo Addo, MD1;  Michael Luna, MD1;  Nicolas W. Shammas, MD9;  Anand Prasad, MD10;
Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD1,2

Subhash Banerjee, MD1,2;  Gene Pershw...
We analyzed data from the ongoing multicenter XLPAD registry to report on the use of non-stent (atherectomy ± balloon angioplasty) and stent-based treatment of superficial femoral ar-tery (SFA), popliteal, and below-the-knee (BTK) vessels in...
We analyzed data from the ongoing multicenter XLPAD registry to report on the use of non-stent (atherectomy ± balloon angioplasty) and stent-based treatment of superficial femoral ar-tery (SFA), popliteal, and below-the-knee (BTK) vessels in...
We analyzed data from the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Case Report

Ravish Sachar, MD, FACC, North Carolina Heart and Vascular, Rex Hospital, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 

Ravish Sachar, MD, FACC, North Caroli...
Due to the patient’s symptoms, a decision was made to proceed with revascularization of the left popliteal artery. The location of the stenosis was not ideal for stenting and, therefore, the lesion was treated with directional atherectomy.
Due to the patient’s symptoms, a decision was made to proceed with revascularization of the left popliteal artery. The location of the stenosis was not ideal for stenting and, therefore, the lesion was treated with directional atherectomy.
Due to the patient’s symptoms, a...
Cath Lab Digest