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Mitral valve repair

Clinical Images

Chak-Yu So, MBChB;  Kun-Chong Tam, MD;  Yat-Yin Lam, MD;  Alex Pui-Wai Lee, MD

Chak-Yu So, MBChB;  Kun-Chong Tam, MD...
We demonstrate that immediate deployment of one or more adjacent clips, particularly to the remaining attached leaflet, may stabilize the flailing clip and be a possible transcatheter treatment option for single leaflet device attachment...
We demonstrate that immediate deployment of one or more adjacent clips, particularly to the remaining attached leaflet, may stabilize the flailing clip and be a possible transcatheter treatment option for single leaflet device attachment...
We demonstrate that immediate...
Cath Lab Digest
The COAPT trial met both the primary safety and efficacy endpoints and all secondary endpoints, including reducing all-cause mortality through two years.
The COAPT trial met both the primary safety and efficacy endpoints and all secondary endpoints, including reducing all-cause mortality through two years.
The COAPT trial met both the...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report

Georg Nickenig, MD, and Robert Schueler, MD
Department of Cardiology, Heart Center Bonn, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Georg Nickenig, MD, and Robert Schuel...
Interventional mitral valve repair provided an option for treatment of MR-related symptoms in this case where medical therapy failed to improve the clinical and functional status. 
Interventional mitral valve repair provided an option for treatment of MR-related symptoms in this case where medical therapy failed to improve the clinical and functional status. 
Interventional mitral valve...
Cath Lab Digest

Sameer Gafoor, MD1,2;  O. Madalina Petrescu, MD1;  Eric J. Lehr, MD, PhD3;  Charles Puls, MD4;  Ming Zhang, MD, PhD1;  John L. Petersen II, MD1;  John V. Olsen, MD1;  Irina Penev, PA1;  Mayank Agrawal, MD1;  Rahul Sharma, MD1;  Glenn Barnhart, MD3

Sameer Gafoor, MD1,2;  O. Madalina Pe...
We present a periprocedural imaging strategy for percutaneous tricuspid valve repair with the MitraClip device using a bicuspidization technique.
We present a periprocedural imaging strategy for percutaneous tricuspid valve repair with the MitraClip device using a bicuspidization technique.
We present a periprocedural...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Cardiology Images
Multi-modality imaging is essential for successful treatment of many cardiac diseases, including severe mitral regurgitation (MR). The following four clinical images demonstrate mitral valve insufficiency treatment support. 
Multi-modality imaging is essential for successful treatment of many cardiac diseases, including severe mitral regurgitation (MR). The following four clinical images demonstrate mitral valve insufficiency treatment support. 
Multi-modality imaging is...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Images

Subhi J. Al‚ÄôAref, MD;  Geoffrey Bergman, MBBS;  S. Chiu Wong, MD

Subhi J. Al‚ÄôAref, MD;  Geoffrey Ber...
We present a case of an elderly female patient with moderate-to-severe mitral regurgitation who underwent MitraClip procedure, with postprocedural course remarkable for the development of right-to-left shunting and hypoxia, for which the...
We present a case of an elderly female patient with moderate-to-severe mitral regurgitation who underwent MitraClip procedure, with postprocedural course remarkable for the development of right-to-left shunting and hypoxia, for which the...
We present a case of an elderly...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Abbigayle Doerr, MSN, APN, ANVP, CVRN, Transcatheter Valve Program Coordinator, Lynda Buccellato, BSN, RN, Invasive Cardiology Operations Coordinator, Mark Ricciardi, MD, FAHA, Director, Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology, Northwestern Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois

Abbigayle Doerr, MSN, APN, ANVP, CVRN...
Since 2008, our program has performed over 450 advanced transcatheter valve procedures including transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), transcatheter pulmonic valve replacement, and transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVr).  
Since 2008, our program has performed over 450 advanced transcatheter valve procedures including transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), transcatheter pulmonic valve replacement, and transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVr).  
Since 2008, our program has...
Cath Lab Digest
Original Contribution

Sven T. Pleger, MD, Emmanuel Chorianopoulos, MD, Ulrike Krumsdorf, MD, Hugo A. Katus, MD, Raffi Bekeredjian, MD

Sven T. Pleger, MD, Emmanuel Choriano...
Percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral valve repair using the MitraClip device has evolved as a new tool for the treatment of severe mitral valve regurgitation. This technique has been evaluated both in surgical low and high risk patients. The aim...
Percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral valve repair using the MitraClip device has evolved as a new tool for the treatment of severe mitral valve regurgitation. This technique has been evaluated both in surgical low and high risk patients. The aim...
Percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology