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New techniques


Anja Schade, MD1, Sebastian Kerber, MD2, Karsten Hamm, MD2

Anja Schade, MD1, Sebastian Kerber, M...
Combining MitraClip implantation and occlusion of the left atrial appendage (LAA) may be of value in these patients with high thromboembolic risk. We report the first case of combined MitraClip procedure and percutaneous LAA closure in a...
Combining MitraClip implantation and occlusion of the left atrial appendage (LAA) may be of value in these patients with high thromboembolic risk. We report the first case of combined MitraClip procedure and percutaneous LAA closure in a...
Combining MitraClip implantation...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Sanjay S. Srivatsa, MBBChir, MRCP (UK)

Sanjay S. Srivatsa, MBBChir, MRCP (UK...
Right ventricular septal pacing has been long touted as a more physiologic alternative to right ventricular apical pacing. This article reviews the physiologic and clinical evidence for right ventricular septal versus apical pacing, and...
Right ventricular septal pacing has been long touted as a more physiologic alternative to right ventricular apical pacing. This article reviews the physiologic and clinical evidence for right ventricular septal versus apical pacing, and...
Right ventricular septal pacing...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Giulio Conte, MD, Gian-Battista Chierchia, MD, Pedro Brugada, MD, PhD

Giulio Conte, MD, Gian-Battista Chier...
A 76-year-old man with history of coronary artery bypass graft surgery was referred to our department for cryoballoon ablation of symptomatic drug-resistant paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Thick septum can complicate such procedures; we...
A 76-year-old man with history of coronary artery bypass graft surgery was referred to our department for cryoballoon ablation of symptomatic drug-resistant paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Thick septum can complicate such procedures; we...
A 76-year-old man with history...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Leonardo Misuraca, MD, Bruno Farah, MD, Didier Tchetche, MD

Leonardo Misuraca, MD, Bruno Farah, M...
The first description of the concomitant transapical implantation of two 29 mm Edwards Sapien XT devices for a combination of failed mitral bioprosthesis and native aortic stenosis.
The first description of the concomitant transapical implantation of two 29 mm Edwards Sapien XT devices for a combination of failed mitral bioprosthesis and native aortic stenosis.
The first description of the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Zhe Jin, MD, Longhu Li, MD, Meilan Wang, MD, Shuying Zhang, MD, Zongwei Chen, MD, Zhitao Shen, MD

Zhe Jin, MD, Longhu Li, MD, Meilan Wa...
As a new coronary bifurcation provisional stenting method, the “balloon-stent kissing” technique is associated with a high procedural success rate, improved SB patency, and a low rate of immediate cardiac events.
As a new coronary bifurcation provisional stenting method, the “balloon-stent kissing” technique is associated with a high procedural success rate, improved SB patency, and a low rate of immediate cardiac events.
As a new coronary bifurcation...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Abdallah Fandi Yousef Omeish, MD

Abdallah Fandi Yousef Omeish, MD ...
Double-modified V-stenting of the side branches followed by MT skirt, using a dual-catheter technique, is a feasible option in type-A3 trifurcation disease. It offers several advantages when compared with double-crush/mini-crush,...
Double-modified V-stenting of the side branches followed by MT skirt, using a dual-catheter technique, is a feasible option in type-A3 trifurcation disease. It offers several advantages when compared with double-crush/mini-crush,...
Double-modified V-stenting of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Kazuaki Okuyama, MD, Hasan Jilaihawi, MD, Raj R. Makkar, MD
Kazuaki Okuyama, MD, Hasan Jilaihawi...
Considering the concept of crossing a bulky prosthesis through a calcified and narrowed aortic valve, it seems not unexpected that some of these procedures have difficulty. The buddy-balloon technique is an essential contingency plan maneuver...
Considering the concept of crossing a bulky prosthesis through a calcified and narrowed aortic valve, it seems not unexpected that some of these procedures have difficulty. The buddy-balloon technique is an essential contingency plan maneuver...
Considering the concept of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Radial Access Technique

Kazuki Tobita, MD, Satoshi Takeshita, MD, Shigeru Saito, MD

Kazuki Tobita, MD, Satoshi Takeshita,...
The first report demonstrating the potential of the 4-in-5 technique during 5-Fr PCI. Two cases of 5-Fr transradial coronary intervention in which stent delivery failed with conventional techniques. In these 2 cases, this 4-Fr double-coaxial...
The first report demonstrating the potential of the 4-in-5 technique during 5-Fr PCI. Two cases of 5-Fr transradial coronary intervention in which stent delivery failed with conventional techniques. In these 2 cases, this 4-Fr double-coaxial...
The first report demonstrating...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Young Yu, MBBS1, Michael Vallely, MBBS, PhD2, Martin K.C. Ng, MBBS, PhD1

Young Yu, MBBS1, Michael Vallely, MBB...
Using a valve-in-valve technique, with the deployment of a second Edward Sapien XT valve inside the first valve, the annular root rupture was successfully sealed leading to hemodynamic recovery in this 83-year-old woman with multiple...
Using a valve-in-valve technique, with the deployment of a second Edward Sapien XT valve inside the first valve, the annular root rupture was successfully sealed leading to hemodynamic recovery in this 83-year-old woman with multiple...
Using a valve-in-valve...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Gareth J. Morgan, MB BAO, BCh, MPhil, MRCPCH and Lee Benson, MD

Gareth J. Morgan, MB BAO, BCh, MPhil,...
Description of a simple technique to avoid entrainment of air during wire removal when exchanging a catheter over a wire in a variety of clinical scenarios. The method relies on withdrawing the exchanged wire under fluid and therefore...
Description of a simple technique to avoid entrainment of air during wire removal when exchanging a catheter over a wire in a variety of clinical scenarios. The method relies on withdrawing the exchanged wire under fluid and therefore...
Description of a simple...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology