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Suggested Technique

Philip Carson, MD, Adam Stys, MD, USD Sanford School of Medicine, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Philip Carson, MD, Adam Stys, MD, USD...
We found this technique useful for gaining access in fibrotic and calcified arteries. It does not require any extra equipment aside from the needle already on the table.
We found this technique useful for gaining access in fibrotic and calcified arteries. It does not require any extra equipment aside from the needle already on the table.
We found this technique useful...
Cath Lab Digest

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS1;  W. John Shammas, BS1;  James T. Torey, PA2;  Andrew N. Shammas, BS, OMS1

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS1;  W. John...
We reviewed images from our intravascular ultrasound core lab to define the various locations of dissections in femoropopliteal arteries post balloon angioplasty in relation to plaque morphology.
We reviewed images from our intravascular ultrasound core lab to define the various locations of dissections in femoropopliteal arteries post balloon angioplasty in relation to plaque morphology.
We reviewed images from our...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Case Report

Kazuki Haraguchi, MD, Yoshiaki Shintani, MD, Tomohiro Kawasaki, MD, Cardiovascular Center, Shin-Koga Hospital, Kurume, Japan

Kazuki Haraguchi, MD, Yoshiaki Shinta...
This report highlights a coral reef aorta, of special interest because it was successfully treated in Japan with a self-expanding nitinol stent in October 2012 and followed up a year later, in October 2013.
This report highlights a coral reef aorta, of special interest because it was successfully treated in Japan with a self-expanding nitinol stent in October 2012 and followed up a year later, in October 2013.
This report highlights a coral...
Cath Lab Digest
Meeting Update

Cath Lab Digest talks with Gunnar Tepe, MD, Professor of Radiology, Head of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Head of the Department, Academic Hospital of Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany

Cath Lab Digest talks with Gunnar Tep...
The Shockwave Medical Lithoplasty System uses lithotripsy to disrupt both superficial and deep vascular calcium.
The Shockwave Medical Lithoplasty System uses lithotripsy to disrupt both superficial and deep vascular calcium.
The Shockwave Medical...
Cath Lab Digest

Michael S. Lee, MD and Neal Shah, MD

Michael S. Lee, MD and Neal Shah, MD ...
The presence of coronary artery calcium (CAC) is indicative of advanced coronary artery disease. We discuss the implications of CAC on outcomes during and after PCI as well as interventional strategies used for the successful treatment of...
The presence of coronary artery calcium (CAC) is indicative of advanced coronary artery disease. We discuss the implications of CAC on outcomes during and after PCI as well as interventional strategies used for the successful treatment of...
The presence of coronary artery...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology