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Wayne W. Ruppert, CVT, CCCC, NRP, Cardiovascular Coordinator,

Cardiac Cath Lab, Bayfront Health Seven Rivers, Crystal River, Florida

Wayne W. Ruppert, CVT, CCCC, NRP, Car...
Accreditation is one of those rare things where all involved parties benefit: patients, hospitals, EMS, and the general public.
Accreditation is one of those rare things where all involved parties benefit: patients, hospitals, EMS, and the general public.
Accreditation is one of those...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical and Industry News
Certificate pairs with established national clinical databases to monitor patient safety, real-world
Certificate pairs with established national clinical databases to monitor patient safety, real-world
Certificate pairs with...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice

Amy Newell, Vice President, Kim Klima, Informatics Analyst, Corazon, Inc.

Amy Newell, Vice President, Kim Klima...
Gaining momentum as a differentiator, formal accreditation of either the service line or specific procedural components within cardiovascular, such as cardiac intervention, electrophysiology, peripheral vascular procedures, etc., can position...
Gaining momentum as a differentiator, formal accreditation of either the service line or specific procedural components within cardiovascular, such as cardiac intervention, electrophysiology, peripheral vascular procedures, etc., can position...
Gaining momentum as a...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice

Amy Newell, Vice President, Corazon, Inc.

Amy Newell, Vice President, Corazon, ...
Given the rapidly evolving healthcare reimbursement landscape, the question is no longer “if” accreditation of clinical programs will be required, but rather, “when.” The sooner this effort is launched, the sooner improvements will be...
Given the rapidly evolving healthcare reimbursement landscape, the question is no longer “if” accreditation of clinical programs will be required, but rather, “when.” The sooner this effort is launched, the sooner improvements will be...
Given the rapidly evolving...
Cath Lab Digest
The program establishes quality metrics and provides a rigorous evaluation through clinical peer review of the facility’s processes, documentation and imaging critical to quality patient care as it relates to cardiovascular catheterization...
The program establishes quality metrics and provides a rigorous evaluation through clinical peer review of the facility’s processes, documentation and imaging critical to quality patient care as it relates to cardiovascular catheterization...
The program establishes quality...
Cath Lab Digest

Jeffrey S. Carstens, MD, Cardiovascular Executive Medical Director, Dan Whelan, Cardiovascular Division Director, Christopher Pineda, MSN, RN, CCRN, RCIS, Director, Cardiovascular Services, Justin Rousek, Senior Industrial Engineer, CHI Health, Omaha, Nebraska

Jeffrey S. Carstens, MD, Cardiovascul...
Since we completed the ACE accreditation process, 24 additional (as of September 1, 2015) CHI catheterization laboratories have initiated the accreditation process or have announced their intent to do so.
Since we completed the ACE accreditation process, 24 additional (as of September 1, 2015) CHI catheterization laboratories have initiated the accreditation process or have announced their intent to do so.
Since we completed the ACE...
Cath Lab Digest

Amy Newell, Vice President, Corazon, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Amy Newell, Vice President, Corazon, ...
Program accreditation has swiftly moved to the strategic forefront for PCI programs in states that employ more strict criteria related to the ability to offer this life-saving clinical service. In states without formal guidelines,...
Program accreditation has swiftly moved to the strategic forefront for PCI programs in states that employ more strict criteria related to the ability to offer this life-saving clinical service. In states without formal guidelines,...
Program accreditation has...
Cath Lab Digest

An interview with Lynn Smith RN, MSN, Director of Heart and Vascular Services, Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, Greenville, South Carolina. 

An interview with Lynn Smith RN, MSN,...
In 2011, Bon Secours St. Francis Health System in Greenville, South Carolina, was the first hospital to be nationally recognized with Accreditation for Cardiovascular Excellence (ACE) accreditation. They followed that accomplishment in...
In 2011, Bon Secours St. Francis Health System in Greenville, South Carolina, was the first hospital to be nationally recognized with Accreditation for Cardiovascular Excellence (ACE) accreditation. They followed that accomplishment in...
In 2011, Bon Secours St. Francis...
Cath Lab Digest

An interview with A. Thomas Siachos, MD, Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, Greenville, South Carolina.

An interview with A. Thomas Siachos, ...
Having gone through our first ACE accreditation in 2011, we knew we could rely on ACE external reviewers to provide recommendations on areas where we could improve the quality of care in the cath lab. We also knew to expect feedback on what...
Having gone through our first ACE accreditation in 2011, we knew we could rely on ACE external reviewers to provide recommendations on areas where we could improve the quality of care in the cath lab. We also knew to expect feedback on what...
Having gone through our first...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice

Ross Swanson, Executive Vice President, Amy Newell, Vice President, Corazon, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Ross Swanson, Executive Vice Presiden...
As the next wave of Pennsylvania hospitals receiving Corazon accreditation for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with off-site open-heart surgery (OHS) await final notifications from the state, we begin to reflect on “how did we get...
As the next wave of Pennsylvania hospitals receiving Corazon accreditation for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with off-site open-heart surgery (OHS) await final notifications from the state, we begin to reflect on “how did we get...
As the next wave of Pennsylvania...
Cath Lab Digest