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Fractional Flow Reserve


Michał Świerczewski1;  Zuzanna Sala1;  Michał Gwidon Markiewicz, MD2;  Gary S. Mintz, MD3;   Łukasz Kalińczuk, MD3

Michał Świerczewski1;  Zuzanna Sala1;...
Plaque rupture is known to affect the mismatch between anatomy and physiology. In this case, we relied on fractional flow reserve along with the tomographic perspective of intravascular ultrasound.
Plaque rupture is known to affect the mismatch between anatomy and physiology. In this case, we relied on fractional flow reserve along with the tomographic perspective of intravascular ultrasound.
Plaque rupture is known to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Mohamad Amer Alaiti, MD;  Anas Fares, MD;  Hiram G. Bezerra, MD, PhD


Mohamad Amer Alaiti, MD;  Anas Fares,...
This invasive and non-invasive imaging series represents a classic rupture of a non-obstructive plaque with thin-cap fibroatheroma.
This invasive and non-invasive imaging series represents a classic rupture of a non-obstructive plaque with thin-cap fibroatheroma.
This invasive and non-invasive...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Joon-Hyung Doh, MD, PhD1*;  Chang-Wook Nam, MD, PhD2*;  Bon-Kwon Koo, MD, PhD3;  Sang Hyun Park, MD4; Ju-Hee Lee, MD5;  Jung-Kyu Han, MD, PhD3;  Hyoung-Mo Yang, MD3;  Hong-Seok Lim, MD, PhD6;  Myeong-Ho Yoon, MD, PhD6;  Yun-Kyeong Cho, MD, PhD2;  Seung-Ho Hur, MD, PhD2;  Sung Yun Lee, MD, PhD1; Hyo-Soo Kim, MD, PhD3;  Seung-Jea Tahk, MD, PhD6

Joon-Hyung Doh, MD, PhD1*;  Chang-Woo...
Long-term clinical outcomes of real-world use of fractional flow reserve (FFR) have not been fully evaluated in the era of DES implantation. FFR-measured lesions (n = 1628) were divided according to treatment strategy selected after FFR...
Long-term clinical outcomes of real-world use of fractional flow reserve (FFR) have not been fully evaluated in the era of DES implantation. FFR-measured lesions (n = 1628) were divided according to treatment strategy selected after FFR...
Long-term clinical outcomes of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Issam Koleilat, MD; Bruce Gray, MD


Greenville Health System, Greenville, South Carolina

Issam Koleilat, MD; Bruce Gray, MD  ...
Pressure-wire gradient detection with and without provocative hyperemia testing using this novel approach may prove to be a useful adjunct in the diagnosis and treatment of lower-extremity occlusive disease.
Pressure-wire gradient detection with and without provocative hyperemia testing using this novel approach may prove to be a useful adjunct in the diagnosis and treatment of lower-extremity occlusive disease.
Pressure-wire gradient detection...
Vascular Disease Management

Gerald Dorros, MD, ScD 

Gerald Dorros, MD, ScD 
Dr Dorros warns that in the current health-care climate, cardiologists face the danger of becoming mere technocrats, employed and dictated to by health-care executives, whose main focus is the financial bottom line. Cardiologists must remain...
Dr Dorros warns that in the current health-care climate, cardiologists face the danger of becoming mere technocrats, employed and dictated to by health-care executives, whose main focus is the financial bottom line. Cardiologists must remain...
Dr Dorros warns that in the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Joon-Hyung Doh, MD, PhD1,2;  Chang-Wook Nam, MD, PhD3;  Bon-Kwon Koo, MD, PhD4;  Sung Yun Lee, MD, PhD1; Hyunmin Choi, MD1;  June Namgung, MD, PhD1;  Sung Uk Kwon, MD, PhD1;  Jae-Jin Kwak, MD1; Hyung-Yoon Kim, MD1;  Won-Ho Choi, MD1;  Won Ro Lee, MD, PhD1

Joon-Hyung Doh, MD, PhD1,2;  Chang-Wo...
The prognostic value of poststent fractional flow reserve (FFR) has not been clearly defined in patients with DES implantation. This study evaluates the association between FFR and clinical outcomes after DES implantation with IVUS...
The prognostic value of poststent fractional flow reserve (FFR) has not been clearly defined in patients with DES implantation. This study evaluates the association between FFR and clinical outcomes after DES implantation with IVUS...
The prognostic value of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Plaque Composition and Dynamics

Sebastian Reith, MD1;  Simone Battermann1;  Martin Hellmich, PhD2;  Nikolaus Marx, MD1;  Mathias Burgmaier, MD1

Sebastian Reith, MD1;  Simone Batterm...
This study investigates the relationship of OCT-derived intrastent lumen dimensions and FFR-derived hemodynamic relevance immediately after stent implantation and evaluates the clinical impact of these parameters at follow-up. Post-stenting...
This study investigates the relationship of OCT-derived intrastent lumen dimensions and FFR-derived hemodynamic relevance immediately after stent implantation and evaluates the clinical impact of these parameters at follow-up. Post-stenting...
This study investigates the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Jacob Sivertsen1;  Jan Jensen1,  S√∏ren Galatius1;  Jakob Rauns√∏1;  Jaya Rosenmeier, MD, PhD2

Jacob Sivertsen1;  Jan Jensen1,  S√∏r...
Our aim was to examine fractional flow reserve responses of intravenous adenosine with increasing doses of intracoronary (IC) adenosine versus IC uridine triphosphate in patients with coronary artery disease. 
Our aim was to examine fractional flow reserve responses of intravenous adenosine with increasing doses of intracoronary (IC) adenosine versus IC uridine triphosphate in patients with coronary artery disease. 
Our aim was to examine...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology