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Professional Life

Clinical Editor's Corner
Drawing from his experience, General Hertling highlighted 10 important tips for military leaders during a time of crisis, such as a war. As we in medicine are now at war with COVID, these tips would be well received and certainly strengthen...
Drawing from his experience, General Hertling highlighted 10 important tips for military leaders during a time of crisis, such as a war. As we in medicine are now at war with COVID, these tips would be well received and certainly strengthen...
Drawing from his experience,...
Cath Lab Digest
Simulation Training
Simulation is something the whole cardiovascular community needs to invest in and refine, so that it can be the foundational basis for how we train people.
Simulation is something the whole cardiovascular community needs to invest in and refine, so that it can be the foundational basis for how we train people.
Simulation is something the...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Management
Employees don’t need to be micromanaged when accountability permeates an organization at every level.
Employees don’t need to be micromanaged when accountability permeates an organization at every level.
Employees don’t need to be...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Being concise (i.e. brevity) is not as easy as it sounds. Mark Twain said, “I did not have time to write a short letter so I wrote a long one instead,” and it really applies to giving a very good 10-minute talk.
Being concise (i.e. brevity) is not as easy as it sounds. Mark Twain said, “I did not have time to write a short letter so I wrote a long one instead,” and it really applies to giving a very good 10-minute talk.
Being concise (i.e. brevity) is...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Management
No matter how skilled someone is, the wrong character and the wrong fit will eventually lead to issues.
No matter how skilled someone is, the wrong character and the wrong fit will eventually lead to issues.
No matter how skilled someone...
Cath Lab Digest
Email CLD with your notice: Rebecca Kapur at
Email CLD with your notice: Rebecca Kapur at
Email CLD with your notice:...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms have changed the way we see our world. Social media will be the way we communicate, educate, notify, and share our views across wide groups of users, particularly in the cardiovascular...
Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms have changed the way we see our world. Social media will be the way we communicate, educate, notify, and share our views across wide groups of users, particularly in the cardiovascular...
Twitter, Facebook, and other...
Cath Lab Digest
Remember, there’s a patient in the room.
Remember, there’s a patient in the room.
Remember, there’s a patient in...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice
Turnover in a hospital or physician practice setting is inevitable, but within the healthcare industry, continuity and consistency are the hallmarks of an efficient, effective service line — the foundation of all successful specialty...
Turnover in a hospital or physician practice setting is inevitable, but within the healthcare industry, continuity and consistency are the hallmarks of an efficient, effective service line — the foundation of all successful specialty...
Turnover in a hospital or...
Cath Lab Digest