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Original Contribution

Fredy El Sakr, MD;  Mohamad Kenaan, MD;  Daniel Menees, MD;  Milan Seth, BS, MS;  Hitinder S. Gurm, MD

Fredy El Sakr, MD;  Mohamad Kenaan, M...
Recent data demonstrate that mortality of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has not changed despite dramatic reduction in door-to-balloon times. Identifying potential areas in care that can be further optimized to...
Recent data demonstrate that mortality of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has not changed despite dramatic reduction in door-to-balloon times. Identifying potential areas in care that can be further optimized to...
Recent data demonstrate that...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Sorin J. Brener, MD

Sorin J. Brener, MD
An editorial on the utility of the HEAT-SEALED pathway presented by Shahzad et al in this month's issue of the JIC.  
An editorial on the utility of the HEAT-SEALED pathway presented by Shahzad et al in this month's issue of the JIC.  
An editorial on the utility of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Adeel Shahzad, MRCP1;  Christine Mars, Dip HE1;  Ian Kemp, BA1;  Rob Cooper, MRCP1;  Paul Arnold1;  Claire Roome, MBBS1;  Keith Wilson1;  Jim McLenachan, MD2;  Huon Gray, MD3;  John Morris, MD1;  Rod H. Stables, DM1

Adeel Shahzad, MRCP1;  Christine Mars...
The HEAT-SEALED pathway offers a practical and comprehensive solution to the problem of describing denominators in STEMI and primary PCI. Routine application would facilitate a more consistent and precise description of activity and outcome.
The HEAT-SEALED pathway offers a practical and comprehensive solution to the problem of describing denominators in STEMI and primary PCI. Routine application would facilitate a more consistent and precise description of activity and outcome.
The HEAT-SEALED pathway offers a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology