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Peripheral vascular disease


Julio Sanguily III, MD1; Brad J. Martinsen, PhD2; Zsuzsanna Igyarto, PhD2; MaiKhoi T. Pham, DPM1

1Martin Health Systems, Stuart, Florida; 2Cardiovascular Systems Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota

Julio Sanguily III, MD1; Brad J. Mart...
This retrospective analysis demonstrates that the implementation of a comprehensive limb salvage program can lead to increased angiographic assessment and endovascular treatment of high-risk CLI patients, preventing unnecessary major...
This retrospective analysis demonstrates that the implementation of a comprehensive limb salvage program can lead to increased angiographic assessment and endovascular treatment of high-risk CLI patients, preventing unnecessary major...
This retrospective analysis...
Vascular Disease Management
Original Research
This retrospective analysis demonstrates that the implementation of a comprehensive limb salvage program can lead to increased angiographic assessment and endovascular treatment of high-risk CLI patients, preventing unnecessary major...
This retrospective analysis demonstrates that the implementation of a comprehensive limb salvage program can lead to increased angiographic assessment and endovascular treatment of high-risk CLI patients, preventing unnecessary major...
This retrospective analysis...
Vascular Disease Management

Damien P. Kenny, MB, MD, MRCPCH1 and Ziyad M. Hijazi, MD, MPH2

Damien P. Kenny, MB, MD, MRCPCH1 and ...
Commentary on Sheikh et al; the authors offer their thoughts on pulmonary artery stenting for adult-onset pulmonary artery stenosis.
Commentary on Sheikh et al; the authors offer their thoughts on pulmonary artery stenting for adult-onset pulmonary artery stenosis.
Commentary on Sheikh et al; the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Dr. Diaz discusses the status of peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischemia as well as current standards of treatment, including initial intake, testing, and periprocedural protocols for endovascular procedures.
Dr. Diaz discusses the status of peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischemia as well as current standards of treatment, including initial intake, testing, and periprocedural protocols for endovascular procedures.
Dr. Diaz discusses the status of...
Vascular Disease Management
Original Contribution

Jon C. George, MD;  Vincent Varghese, DO;  Richard Kovach, MD

Jon C. George, MD;  Vincent Varghese,...
A report on the endovascular treatment of internal iliac artery aneurysms using platinum coils vs the Medusa Multi-Coil.
A report on the endovascular treatment of internal iliac artery aneurysms using platinum coils vs the Medusa Multi-Coil.
A report on the endovascular...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Andres Guerra, BS;  Bavana V. Rangan, BDS, MPH;  Ameka Coleman, MS;  Hao Xu, PhD;  Anna Kotsia, MD;  Georgios Christopoulos, MD;  Alan Sosa, BA;  Howard Chao, BS;  Henry Han, BS;  Guthbudeen Abdurrahim, MD;  Michele Roesle, RN, BSN;  James A. de Lemos, MD;  Darren K. McGuire, MD, MHSc;  Milton Packer, MD;  Subhash Banerjee, MD;  Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD

Andres Guerra, BS;  Bavana V. Rangan,...
We sought to evaluate the impact of extended-release niacin on carotid intima media thickness (CIMT), endothelial function, and endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) mobilization. 
We sought to evaluate the impact of extended-release niacin on carotid intima media thickness (CIMT), endothelial function, and endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) mobilization. 
We sought to evaluate the impact...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS1 and Subhash Banerjee, MD2

Nicolas W. Shammas, MD, MS1 and Subha...
An overview of the pros and cons of primary stenting of femoropopliteal (FP) arteries vs alternative approaches including provisional stenting following POBA, atherectomy and/or drug-coated balloons.
An overview of the pros and cons of primary stenting of femoropopliteal (FP) arteries vs alternative approaches including provisional stenting following POBA, atherectomy and/or drug-coated balloons.
An overview of the pros and cons...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Nicholas S. Amoroso, MD1;  Sooraj Shah, MD1;  Michael Liou, MD1;  Justin Ratcliffe, MD1;  Moinakhtar Lala, MD1;  Ravi Diwan, MD1;  Yili Huang, DO1;  Hugo Rosero, DO1;  John Coppola, MD2;  Olivier F. Bertrand, MD3;  Tak W. Kwan, MD1

Nicholas S. Amoroso, MD1;  Sooraj Sha...
There are limited reports of transpedal artery access for peripheral artery interventions, but none to date describing routine primary transpedal artery approach for SFA stenting. We report on 4 patients who underwent successful endovascular...
There are limited reports of transpedal artery access for peripheral artery interventions, but none to date describing routine primary transpedal artery approach for SFA stenting. We report on 4 patients who underwent successful endovascular...
There are limited reports of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Sharon Stanley, MD1; Jennifer Chang, MD1; Shailesh Garg, MBBS1; Mihai Rosca, MD2


1Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery; 2Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, Department of Vascular Surgery, Hempstead, New York

Sharon Stanley, MD1; Jennifer Chang, ...
Spontaneous dissection of the superior mesenteric is rare, but may require a combination of treatments. The authors report a case of abdominal pain secondary to superior mesenteric artery dissection treated with observation and...
Spontaneous dissection of the superior mesenteric is rare, but may require a combination of treatments. The authors report a case of abdominal pain secondary to superior mesenteric artery dissection treated with observation and...
Spontaneous dissection of the...
Vascular Disease Management
The continued study of modalities for peripheral arterial disease complemented by refinements in technique for new devices foreshadows a bright future for new endovascular approaches in the treatment of PAD.
The continued study of modalities for peripheral arterial disease complemented by refinements in technique for new devices foreshadows a bright future for new endovascular approaches in the treatment of PAD.
The continued study of...
Vascular Disease Management