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Janet Simon DPM
I am not alone in my feelings of powerlessness as our world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. I am a follower of epidemics going back to my college days. My college roommate is a plague/tuberculosis specialist and is currently the Director of...
I am not alone in my feelings of powerlessness as our world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. I am a follower of epidemics going back to my college days. My college roommate is a plague/tuberculosis specialist and is currently the Director of...
I am not alone in my feelings of...
Podiatry Today
Jodi Schoenhaus DPM
It seems like everyone is dealing with ramifications from the novel coronavirus and as health-care providers, we are all scrambling in trying to figure out which path is best for our practices. Self-protection and stay-at-home orders are...
It seems like everyone is dealing with ramifications from the novel coronavirus and as health-care providers, we are all scrambling in trying to figure out which path is best for our practices. Self-protection and stay-at-home orders are...
It seems like everyone is...
Podiatry Today
Christopher F. Hyer DPM MS FACFAS
(Editor’s note: This blog was co-written with Rona W. Law, DPM and Dominick Casciato, DPM) In the midst of this pandemic, the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) has recognized the immediate disruption of podiatric residency...
(Editor’s note: This blog was co-written with Rona W. Law, DPM and Dominick Casciato, DPM) In the midst of this pandemic, the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) has recognized the immediate disruption of podiatric residency...
(Editor’s note: This blog was...
Podiatry Today
Nicholas Pagano DPM FACFAS
From a personal standpoint, the coronavirus has been very stressful on many levels. Professionally, it is challenging to provide the care patients need and balance the safety guidelines put forth by the government. Also, running a...
From a personal standpoint, the coronavirus has been very stressful on many levels. Professionally, it is challenging to provide the care patients need and balance the safety guidelines put forth by the government. Also, running a...
From a personal standpoint, the...
Podiatry Today
Karen Langone DPM DABPM
We currently find ourselves in unimaginable circumstances but there are a few thoughts I find myself returning to again and again over these last few weeks.
We currently find ourselves in unimaginable circumstances but there are a few thoughts I find myself returning to again and again over these last few weeks.
We currently find ourselves in...
Podiatry Today
Jeffrey D. Lehrman DPM FASPS CPC
Coding continues to change and evolve for the non-face-to-face services we can provide during the COVID-19 public health emergency. As an update to my previous March 23 Podiatry Today blog, I would like to share some of these...
Coding continues to change and evolve for the non-face-to-face services we can provide during the COVID-19 public health emergency. As an update to my previous March 23 Podiatry Today blog, I would like to share some of these...
Coding continues to change and...
Podiatry Today
Windy Cole DPM
Imagine this scenario for a moment. It is early March and the weather is unseasonably spring-like. Your busy suburban podiatry practice has a full schedule that day. Amid rising concerns surrounding the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, you...
Imagine this scenario for a moment. It is early March and the weather is unseasonably spring-like. Your busy suburban podiatry practice has a full schedule that day. Amid rising concerns surrounding the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, you...
Imagine this scenario for a...
Podiatry Today
Seth A Rubenstein DPM
I know all of us are experiencing great challenges in our personal and professional lives during this unprecedented public health crisis. Please know that the APMA leadership and staff are here for you, working diligently to provide timely...
I know all of us are experiencing great challenges in our personal and professional lives during this unprecedented public health crisis. Please know that the APMA leadership and staff are here for you, working diligently to provide timely...
I know all of us are...
Podiatry Today
Barbara Aung DPM
Early last month, I decided to get on a flight to Miami for a seminar that I had been looking forward to for a year. The organizers of that meeting decided not to cancel even though other meetings later in the month were already being...
Early last month, I decided to get on a flight to Miami for a seminar that I had been looking forward to for a year. The organizers of that meeting decided not to cancel even though other meetings later in the month were already being...
Early last month, I decided to...
Podiatry Today
Bethany Hine DPM
Podiatry residents are required to have external rotations in different medical specialties to gain a breadth of knowledge and experience. One of the more demanding rotations in my residency program is internal medicine, a rotation that...
Podiatry residents are required to have external rotations in different medical specialties to gain a breadth of knowledge and experience. One of the more demanding rotations in my residency program is internal medicine, a rotation that...
Podiatry residents are required...
Podiatry Today