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endovascular grafts

Clinical Review

Kira N. Long, MD; Ross Milner, MD

University of Chicago Medicine & Biological Sciences, Chicago, Illinois

Kira N. Long, MD; Ross Milner, MD Un...
The chimney/snorkel technique is a practical alternative in emergent settings or as a salvage procedure when the renal arteries or superior mesenteric artery are covered. Although the technique is an off-label use of existing technology, it...
The chimney/snorkel technique is a practical alternative in emergent settings or as a salvage procedure when the renal arteries or superior mesenteric artery are covered. Although the technique is an off-label use of existing technology, it...
The chimney/snorkel technique is...
Vascular Disease Management
Case Report

Martin Rabellino, MD


Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Martin Rabellino, MD   Hospital Ita...
The rupture of the abdominal aorta by blunt trauma is extremely rare and represents less than 5% of traumatic injuries of the aorta. This pathology is associated with an elevated mortality.
The rupture of the abdominal aorta by blunt trauma is extremely rare and represents less than 5% of traumatic injuries of the aorta. This pathology is associated with an elevated mortality.
The rupture of the abdominal...
Vascular Disease Management
Clinical Editor's Corner
The topic of endovascular therapy and its history is a favorite subject of mine. More specifically, aortic stent-graft technologies have occupied center stage for me ever since I became involved (serendipitously) in the Parodi abdominal...
The topic of endovascular therapy and its history is a favorite subject of mine. More specifically, aortic stent-graft technologies have occupied center stage for me ever since I became involved (serendipitously) in the Parodi abdominal...
The topic of endovascular...
Vascular Disease Management