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basal cell carcinoma

Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Scalp
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Aastha Tandon, BA, Paul J. Therattil, MD, Edward S. Lee, MD, and Ravi J. Chokshi, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCAa...
Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Scalp Aastha Tandon, BAa, Paul J. Therattil, MDa, Edward S. Lee, MDb, and Ravi J. Chokshi, MDa aDivisions of Surgical Oncology and bPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery,...
Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Scalp Aastha Tandon, BAa, Paul J. Therattil, MDa, Edward S. Lee, MDb, and Ravi J. Chokshi, MDa aDivisions of Surgical Oncology and bPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery,...
Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma...
Direct Long Bone Invasion by Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Case Report
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Badr M. Al Majed, MD, Stephanie L. Koonce, MD, Dustin L. Eck, MD, Peter Murray, MD, and Galen Perdikis, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCBa...
Direct Long Bone Invasion by Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Badr M. Al Majed, MD,a Stephanie L. Koonce, MD,b Dustin L. Eck, MD,b Peter Murray, MD,c and Galen Perdikis, MDa aDepartment of Plastic...
Direct Long Bone Invasion by Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Badr M. Al Majed, MD,a Stephanie L. Koonce, MD,b Dustin L. Eck, MD,b Peter Murray, MD,c and Galen Perdikis, MDa aDepartment of Plastic...
Direct Long Bone Invasion by...
Case Series
Igor Poccia
Paolo Persichetti
Giovanni Francesco Marangi
Pierluigi Gigliofiorito
Stefano Campa
Romualdo Del Buono
Daniela Lamberti