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ruptured renal artery aneurysm

Case Report With Review
Ruptured aneurysms require emergent lifesaving intervention. In a properly selected candidate, an endovascular approach is a viable option that can successfully preserve the patient’s life and renal function.
Ruptured aneurysms require emergent lifesaving intervention. In a properly selected candidate, an endovascular approach is a viable option that can successfully preserve the patient’s life and renal function.
Ruptured aneurysms require...
Vascular Disease Management
Case Report
Management of visceral aneurysms in general, and renal artery aneurysms specifically, has traditionally involved surgical removal and revascularization. Over the last decade, options for the treatment of vascular aneurysms have come to...
Management of visceral aneurysms in general, and renal artery aneurysms specifically, has traditionally involved surgical removal and revascularization. Over the last decade, options for the treatment of vascular aneurysms have come to...
Management of visceral aneurysms...
Vascular Disease Management