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low-level light therapy

Case Report
Jessica Silva Cunha Breder, RN
Daniela Miti Lemos Tsukumo, MD
Eliana Pereira, RN, PhD
Maria Helena Lima, RN, PhD
LLLT may be a beneficial in wound dehiscence.
LLLT may be a beneficial in wound dehiscence.
LLLT may be a beneficial in...
Wound Management & Prevention
Evidence Corner
Laura L. Bolton
In this installment of Evidence Corner, a systematic review of LED effects on dermatologic conditions and wounds and a second on LLLT effects on diabetic foot ulcers add clarity to LLLT effects on some aspects of wound management.
In this installment of Evidence Corner, a systematic review of LED effects on dermatologic conditions and wounds and a second on LLLT effects on diabetic foot ulcers add clarity to LLLT effects on some aspects of wound management.
In this installment of Evidence...