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quantitative flow ratio

Original Research

Luciano de Moura Santos, MD1,2;  Wenderval Borges Carvalho Júnior, MD2;  Marcelo Harada Ribeiro, MD1;  Maria Antonieta A.A. Medeiros Lopes, MD1;  Eduardo Freitas da Silva, PhD3;  Julia Tizue Fukushima, MSc1;  Alexandre Antônio Cunha Abizaid, MD, PhD1,  Carlos M. Campos, MD, PhD1,4

Luciano de Moura Santos, MD1,2;  Wend...
Fractional flow reserve (FFR) has been established as the gold standard in the physiological assessment of coronary obstructions severity. However, the need to insert an intracoronary pressure guidewire is a factor that limits its use....
Fractional flow reserve (FFR) has been established as the gold standard in the physiological assessment of coronary obstructions severity. However, the need to insert an intracoronary pressure guidewire is a factor that limits its use....
Fractional flow reserve (FFR)...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology