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iatrogenic atrial septal defect

Clinical Images

Ariana Gonzálvez-García, MD1;  Raúl Moreno, MD, PhD2;  Santiago Jiménez-Valero, MD2; Guillermo Galeote, MD, PhD2;  Alfonso Jurado-Román, MD, PhD2

Ariana Gonzálvez-García, MD1;  Raúl M...
This case represents the first patient with Mitraclip, Amplatzer, and TricValve devices with a profound clinical improvement and long-term follow-up.
This case represents the first patient with Mitraclip, Amplatzer, and TricValve devices with a profound clinical improvement and long-term follow-up.
This case represents the first...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Hannah M. Bernstein, MD, MPH; Benjamin Stripe, MD; Lily Chen, MD; Edris Aman, MD; Thomas W.R. Smith, MD; Jason H. Rogers, MD; Gagan D. Singh, MD

Hannah M. Bernstein, MD, MPH; Benjami...
MitraClip implantation requires transseptal puncture and the creation of an iASD. There are relatively rare instances, such as hemodynamically significant shunting or concerns for embolus, where iASD must be closed during index procedure. In...
MitraClip implantation requires transseptal puncture and the creation of an iASD. There are relatively rare instances, such as hemodynamically significant shunting or concerns for embolus, where iASD must be closed during index procedure. In...
MitraClip implantation requires...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology