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hospital frailty risk score

Original Contribution

Josip A. Borovac, MD, PhD1,2,3,4;  Mohamed O. Mohamed, MBBCh, MRCP1;  Evangelos Kontopantelis, PhD5;  Mohamad Alkhouli, MD6;  M. Chadi Alraies, MD7; Richard K. Cheng, MD, MS8;  Islam Y. Elgendy, MD9;  Poonam Velagapudi, MD, MS10; Timir K. Paul, MD, PhD, MPH11;  Harriette G.C. Van Spall, MD, MPH12;  Mamas A. Mamas, BMBCh, DPhil, MRCP1

Josip A. Borovac, MD, PhD1,2,3,4;  Mo...
The objective was to determine the average treatment effect of primary PCI versus medical treatment on in-hospital outcomes across the spectrum of frailty in patients with STEMI.
The objective was to determine the average treatment effect of primary PCI versus medical treatment on in-hospital outcomes across the spectrum of frailty in patients with STEMI.
The objective was to determine...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology