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Tammer Elmarsafi, DPM, AACFAS, MBBCh

While it might sound simple to ask patients with obesity to address this pathology with diet and exercise, the prevailing data that I am familiar with is almost irrefutable—the answer is medicine or bariatric surgery to appreciate sustained...
While it might sound simple to ask patients with obesity to address this pathology with diet and exercise, the prevailing data that I am familiar with is almost irrefutable—the answer is medicine or bariatric surgery to appreciate sustained...
While it might sound simple to...
Podiatry Today
There is no mystery when it comes to the essential foundations of wound treatment. The team must eradicate acute infection, manage chronic bacterial colonization and biofilm, ensure or restore perfusion, and mitigate all forces externally...
There is no mystery when it comes to the essential foundations of wound treatment. The team must eradicate acute infection, manage chronic bacterial colonization and biofilm, ensure or restore perfusion, and mitigate all forces externally...
There is no mystery when it...
Podiatry Today
Recent years’ events have increased our awareness of the dangers of opioid dependence and we lessen this burden with judicious and responsible opioid prescribing.
Recent years’ events have increased our awareness of the dangers of opioid dependence and we lessen this burden with judicious and responsible opioid prescribing.
Recent years’ events have...
Podiatry Today