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Case Report

M.K. Renish, DNB; K.S. Krishnakumar, MS, FRCS; Ajit Kumar Pati, MBBS, MS; K.S. Sunoj, MS, Mch; Raghuram Menon, MBBS, MS

M.K. Renish, DNB; K.S. Krishnakumar, ...
This case series reports the management of sternal wound dehiscence in newborns and children after cardiac surgery with the help of a negative pressure wound therapy treatment system.
This case series reports the management of sternal wound dehiscence in newborns and children after cardiac surgery with the help of a negative pressure wound therapy treatment system.
This case series reports the...
Case Series
This single-center, retrospective case series evaluated the use of cyanoacrylate liquid skin protectant (CSP) to manage moisture-, friction-, and trauma-associated pediatric and neonatal wounds.
This single-center, retrospective case series evaluated the use of cyanoacrylate liquid skin protectant (CSP) to manage moisture-, friction-, and trauma-associated pediatric and neonatal wounds.
This single-center,...
Editorial Message
Neonates, infants, and children should not be treated as just small adults, because they have issues related to their development, age, and genetics that may make adult treatments ineffective at best and harmful at worst.
Neonates, infants, and children should not be treated as just small adults, because they have issues related to their development, age, and genetics that may make adult treatments ineffective at best and harmful at worst.
Neonates, infants, and children...