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Jeanine Gleba, MEd

Upfront With Ostomies
Joanna Burgess-Stocks, BSN, RN, CWOCN
Jeanine Gleba, MEd
Read about creation of the Ostomy and Continent Diversion Patient Bill of Rights
Read about creation of the Ostomy and Continent Diversion Patient Bill of Rights
Read about creation of the...
Wound Management & Prevention
Upfront With Ostomies
Jeanine Gleba, MEd
Every 3 years, ostomates around the world celebrate World Ostomy Day on the first Saturday in October. The European Ostomy Association (EOA) has declared the motto as, “Ostomates’ Rights Are Human Rights - Anytime and Anywhere!”
Every 3 years, ostomates around the world celebrate World Ostomy Day on the first Saturday in October. The European Ostomy Association (EOA) has declared the motto as, “Ostomates’ Rights Are Human Rights - Anytime and Anywhere!”
Every 3 years, ostomates around...
Wound Management & Prevention