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arterial ulcers

Introduction: Healing tunneling wounds is particularly challenging due to their complex structure and the difficulty in accessing the entire wound area for treatment. Tunneling wounds, wh...
 Introduction: Fish skin graft (FSG) is a xenograft derived from Atlantic cod that augments wound healing1. This case evaluates FSG* in a patient with non healing diabetic foot ulcers (DF...
Introduction: 57-year-old Caucasian male with a past medical history of RCA STEMI and reduced EF%, admitted to the hospital with diagnosed necrotizing fasciitis infection involving his pe...
Rapid Communication
Wound closure rates were reviewed in this study, by size over time, to establish the CTP sex's role in healing outcomes.
Wound closure rates were reviewed in this study, by size over time, to establish the CTP sex's role in healing outcomes.
Wound closure rates were...
Purpose: The purpose of this case study is to highlight a patient with multiple recurrent episodes of sepsis and cellulitis that was ultimately diagnosed at calcinosis cutis of the lower ...
Introduction: Traumatic injuries can lead to massive, complex wounds with an increased propensity for infection. Despite the prevalence of patients with such wounds presenting at level 1 ...
Basics of Wound Care
To treat a wound successfully, the provider must first know what type of wound it is. Of course, there are many different types of wounds, but the most common types seen in a typical wound care clinic are venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers of...
To treat a wound successfully, the provider must first know what type of wound it is. Of course, there are many different types of wounds, but the most common types seen in a typical wound care clinic are venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers of...
To treat a wound successfully,...
Wound Management & Prevention
Background: Accurate and consistent wound documentation has long been a challenge in the adoption of best practice wound care. With few wound specialists, minimal formal wound education f...