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RAS Inhibition

Original Contribution

Newton Phuong, MD1;  Richard J. Solomon, MD2;  Michael J. DeSarno, MS3;  Martin M. LeWinter, MD1;  Joshua Zimmer, MD4;  Harold L. Dauerman, MD1

Newton Phuong, MD1;  Richard J. Solom...
RAS inhibition after TAVR has been associated with lower cardiac mortality and heart failure readmissions. We analyzed 735 consecutive TAVR patients (2014-2019) who survived to hospital discharge at a high-volume TAVR center to determine the...
RAS inhibition after TAVR has been associated with lower cardiac mortality and heart failure readmissions. We analyzed 735 consecutive TAVR patients (2014-2019) who survived to hospital discharge at a high-volume TAVR center to determine the...
RAS inhibition after TAVR has...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology