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fluid immersion support surfaces

Use of Air-Fluidized or Fluid Immersion Redistribution Support Surfaces for the Treatment of Stage 4 Pressure Injuries:  A Case Series
Case Report
Jeanette Griffey, RN, BSN, CWOCN
Jeanene Barnes, RN, BSN, CWOCN
Marta K. Bardonner, RN, BSN, CWOCN
Long-term acute care hospitals frequently treat medically complex patients, many with severe pressure injuries (PIs); this study compares healing rates in patients with severe PIs on air-fluidized therapy (AFT) or fluid immersion system...
Long-term acute care hospitals frequently treat medically complex patients, many with severe pressure injuries (PIs); this study compares healing rates in patients with severe PIs on air-fluidized therapy (AFT) or fluid immersion system...
Long-term acute care hospitals...
Wound Management & Prevention