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Substance Use Disorder Opioid Use Disorder

Q&A: Betty-Ann Bryce, JD, MA, discusses the challenges rural communities face in providing treatment and recovery services for substance use disorder/opioid use disorder and governmental resources that have been developed to assist them.
Q&A: Betty-Ann Bryce, JD, MA, discusses the challenges rural communities face in providing treatment and recovery services for substance use disorder/opioid use disorder and governmental resources that have been developed to assist them.
Q&A: Betty-Ann Bryce, JD, MA,...
Psych Congress Network
Tami Mark MD
Telehealth provides flexibility that addresses barriers to substance use disorder treatment, but more research on its efficacy is needed and providers want more training and technical assistance, according to a session presented at the Rx...
Telehealth provides flexibility that addresses barriers to substance use disorder treatment, but more research on its efficacy is needed and providers want more training and technical assistance, according to a session presented at the Rx...
Telehealth provides flexibility...
Psych Congress Network
Rx Summit Spotlight | Veterans Administration Takes Multi-Faceted Approach to Opioid Risk Mitigation
Since launching an opioid safety initiative nearly a decade ago, the Veterans Health Administration has employed a variety of strategies for reducing opioid prescriptions, embracing non-pharmaceutical treatment modalities for pain, and other...
Since launching an opioid safety initiative nearly a decade ago, the Veterans Health Administration has employed a variety of strategies for reducing opioid prescriptions, embracing non-pharmaceutical treatment modalities for pain, and other...
Since launching an opioid safety...
Addiction Professional
Rx Summit Spotlight | Developing Structure Around Post-Overdose Outreach Programs
As rates of substance use disorders rise across the U.S., post-overdose outreach programs have become an increasingly popular tool for engaging at-risk individuals. But as a relatively new concept, practices for documentation and measurement...
As rates of substance use disorders rise across the U.S., post-overdose outreach programs have become an increasingly popular tool for engaging at-risk individuals. But as a relatively new concept, practices for documentation and measurement...
As rates of substance use...
Addiction Professional
Rx Summit Spotlight | Officials Aim to Improve Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Availability on Campuses
As opioid-involved deaths climb across the country, university administrators are tasked with developing comprehensive plans for keeping their campuses safe. At the upcoming Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, Allison Smith, PhD, senior program...
As opioid-involved deaths climb across the country, university administrators are tasked with developing comprehensive plans for keeping their campuses safe. At the upcoming Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, Allison Smith, PhD, senior program...
As opioid-involved deaths climb...
Addiction Professional